Monday, March 31, 2008

Nike Inc. has some problems

According to Holmes (2006), Nike tries to be green, but the company has some problems. An environmental magazine complained about Nike Inc. because Nike’s plastic air pockets are used a strong greenhouse gas, SF6. When thousands of air pockets are broken, SF6 is emitted in the air. The company used nitrogen instead of SF6; however, the new air pockets are broken more easily than old ones. After 14 years, Nike eventually completed SF6-free air pockets.

Nike is not a great company for a few reasons. Many people believe Nike is, but it is actually not.

The first problem is their materials. Their shoes are actually nice. They are light and high-end. Everyone likes Nike shoes. If we put on their shoes, it is easy for us to run and comfortable to play basketball. We can even customize our own shoes on Nike’s website. They have many designers, so they can create new hot shoes. On the other hand, the company uses materials that are bad for human bodies. They should consider the problem before they produce shoes.

Next, Nike does not make some efforts to save environment. You can know that if you go to their website. They show a lot of nice shoes, but they do not write anything about the ecology. Nike is one of the top companies in the world. They have a lot of fans and influential. Besides, the company has enough money to care about environment. If they start campaigns for the ecology, many people would participate in it. Therefore, Nike should start producing green shoes, and it should start ecological campaigns.

Third, children were working for long time in developing countries. NGO organizations and some of the U.S. college students sued Nike because children were working at Nike factories in Southeast Asia. The company also has other problems: cheap labor, long working hours and forced labor. Many companies in the world absolutely have same problems. They should have international law to stop the problems.


Holmes, S. (2006, September 21). Nike Goes For the Green; After 14 years, it figures out how to get greenhouse gas out of its sneakers. Business Week. Retrieved on March 24, 2008, from Lexis Nexis database.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Censorship on the Internet

A UN summit was held in Tunis and people discussed problems on the Internet: the technological gap between poor and rich countries and censorship. Countries which attended the Summit made declarations stating that they would help funding to poor countries. In the Summit, a US delegation was disappointed that Tunisia did not admit freedom. Huang Ju, the Chinese vice premier, stated that China needed to “guarantee freedom of speech” against criminal offenses. Mr. Yoshio Utsumi, secretary general of the Internet Telecommunication Union, said it was necessary to have freedom in cyberspace.

People should build rules or enforce a censorship in cyberspace for several reasons. There are a lot of problems to prevent. People should be able to use the Internet securely.

The first reason we need rules is because we need rules to protect children. While even small children can use the Internet today, they would see unexpected things: sexual or violent things. In fact, some children are interested in sexual or violent things. They are bad education for children. People need rules to save children from unexpected things on the Internet.

Next, we need rules or law to stop criminal acts on the Internet. There are a lot of Internet criminals like hackings or frauds. Many people get in trouble with crimes on the Internet. People try to solve these problems, but the criminal acts get complicated now. If there are rules or law, people can prevent Internet crimes.

Last, our privacy should be protected. On YouTube, people can see almost everything they want. People can see former faces of famous people who had plastic surgeries. On Facebook, people can post any videos. Some people are wounded because of the Internet. Therefore, people need rules or censorship.

As a conclusion, children can see sexual and violent things on the Internet, people meet a lot of Internet crimes, and people are losing privacy. Thus, people should formulate rules to be able to use the Internet safely.


Twist, J. (2005, November 18). Controversy Blights UN Summit. BBC News. Retrieved on March 20, 2008, from