Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Use of Wikipedia in Academics

There is a big debate on use of Wikipedia in academics. I use Wikipedia when I write a paper or do my homework. Wikipedia is sometimes useful because it has a lot of information and international students can know American culture. However, it sometimes does not have enough information. I looked up ‘mixed capitalism’ in Wikipedia, but it does not have the term. It is difficult to decide if college students should use it or not for the above reasons.

Academics and college students should use Wikipedia for several reasons. It has both good and bad aspects; it has a lot of information, but anyone can compile the information on it.

First, there is no other Web site that can be an alternative Wikipedia. Wolverton (2007) said that Wikipedia is the ninth most popular Web page in the U.S., according to a firm that oversees Web traffic. This would be the biggest encyclopedia on the Internet. Therefore, students should be able to use it for their papers and homework.

Second, it would be more reliable for academics and other people if academics use it. According to Lengel (2006, para. 1), “The emergence of the World Wide Web as a source for student research is for many educators a worrisome development,” and make it look respectable. Academics and college students have more knowledge than the public, and they can add new information and correct errors on it.

Last, according to Martin (2008, para. 13), academics can prevent the fact that people post wrong information or censor Wikipedia. “Seven per cent of all internet users now visit the site every day.” Some people post wrong or malevolent information, but academics can help solve the problem if they use it. If academics start using Wikipedia, they would access it many times per week and they can correct wrong or inappropriate information. Another thing Wikipedia can do for solving the problem is to force people have accounts and sign in. Because it takes some time, fewer people would post bad information.

In conclusion, Wikipedia should be used in academic areas. Wikipedia is the encyclopedia on the Internet that has most accessibility. It would be more reliable and have less irrelevant information if academics start using it.


Lengel, J. (February 07, 2006). Authority. Teaching with Technology. Retrieved on April 23, 2008, from http://www.powertolearn.com/articles/teaching_with_technology/article.shtml?ID=12

Martin, N. (January 21, 2008). Wikipedia clamps down on ‘unreliable’ editors. Telegraph.co.uk. Retrieved on April 23, 2008, from http://telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2007/09/20/wiki120.xml

Wolverton, J. (January 22, 2007). Wikipedia Wisdom. Valley Vanguard. Retrieved on April 23, 2008, from http://www.svsu.edu/clubs/vanguard/stories/1141

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